Monday, August 27, 2012

My Pet Has a Skin Rash--What Can I Do?

Skin Allergies and Parasites

From springtime through the late fall, many people are subject to seasonal allergies.  But people are not the only ones suffering.   For our dogs and cats, these same seasons can bring intense itching and discomfort.   Yes, it seems our pets can get their own “hay fever”.

By:  David G. Beauchamp, DVM

It’s a very frustrating and somewhat common situation.   Pet owners by the millions flock to their veterinarians in the hope of relieving their pet’s itchiness.   For many people, the constant chewing, licking, and scratching can test their love for their pets.  

Current estimates show that about 20 million pets suffer from some sort of skin condition and many of these are allergies.   Allergies are an over-reaction of the body’s immune system to a foreign substance, such as pollen or flea saliva.  For people with allergies, we sneeze and sniffle as our bodies respond to histamine released by immune cells.  These symptoms are due to the reaction of histamine with receptors in our nose and upper airways. 

Our pets, however, react somewhat differently.   Dogs and cats have many more histamine receptors in the skin and fewer in the nose.   As histamine is released, the receptors cause an itchy feeling and the pet reacts by scratching at that site.  Scratching can generate more histamine release, thereby causing more scratching.  The constant assault on the skin by the pet’s claws can actually damage the skin, leading to bacterial and yeast infections.  Areas of hair loss and oozing sores known as “hot spots” are very common with allergies.

Fleas are often found to be the reason for a pet’s itchiness.   However, the pet who is truly allergic to fleas will often appear to have no fleas at all!   Why? Because these pets are the ultimate flea catchers, doing everything in their power to bite or scratch the discomfort of the flea away.   The flea’s saliva sets off an allergic reaction leading to a flurry of chewing and digging at the skin.

Young puppies are sometimes susceptible to a skin parasite called demodectic mange.  This mite is usually transmitted from the mother to the puppies and can cause widespread hair loss and secondary bacterial infection.  Treatment may involve multiple injections to kill the mites or dips may be used.

Another skin parasite that can be found is sarcoptic mange.  This mite buries under the skin of affected animals and can be difficult to diagnose and treat.  The most important point about this mite is it is contagious to humans.  So it is crucial that when your pet shows signs of allergies to see our veterinary team right away.

Allergies to airborne substances, such as pollen and mold spores, are another reason for itchiness in pets.  This is known as atopy and affects many pets from springtime straight through until fall.   This condition can be inherited in certain breeds.

If your pet has signs of allergies year round and you see little or no improvement with certain medications, you may have a pet that has food allergies.   Contrary to popular belief, food allergies take time to develop and are not due to recent diet changes.    Most pets who develop food allergies have been eating the offending food with little problem for years.  Common food allergens can include any major protein or carbohydrate source in the pet’s food.

In some mild cases, the itchiness can be treated with anti-histamines or even steroids for a short period of time.  However, pet owners need to be aware that allergies are NOT a condition that can be cured.  The good news though, is that they can be well-managed with a team effort from the pet owner and our veterinary team.  

Utilizing diagnostic tests such as blood testing, skin scraping, and even skin allergy tests, Drs. Claypool, Brazik, and Beauchamp can often find ways to reduce the pet’s discomfort level.   In some cases, your family veterinarian may refer you and your pet to a veterinary dermatologist.   This specialist has many more diagnostic and treatment resources available to bring relief to your pet.   In all cases, you, the pet owner, are a vital part of the team.   It will be up to you to make sure that all pets in the household are treated for fleas or that your pet stays on the recommended hypo-allergenic diet and doesn’t sneak other treats! 

Allergies are not only one of the most frequent reasons for a trip to the veterinarian, but are also a big reason for pet owners becoming frustrated with their pet.   Working with your veterinary team to identify what is causing your pet’s symptoms will help keep your four-legged family member right where he needs to be…with you!  Copy this link into your browser to watch how pets are diagnosed and treated for their allergies:

Don't let your pet suffer from allergies.  At the first sign of skin trouble, please call our office 371-3440 to schedule an appointment.  You will save a lot of money, frustration, and time by treating the problem at the earliest rather than waiting for it to become a systemic problem.  Also, visit our website to learn more:

Dr. David Beauchamp is owning veterinarian at Leland Veterinary Hospital, 508 Village Rd, Leland, NC.  Email us at  Like Us on Facebook.

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